9-1-1 is the phone number to call to report a Fire, Police or Medical Emergency.

When reporting an emergency, you must remember to remain calm.  It is very important to talk
with a clear and controlled voice so the operator can process your call without delay.   Also,
remember that the operator is attempting to visualize what you are describing in an effort to
dispatch the appropriate emergency units.

When reporting a police, fire or medical emergency, remain on the line until the operator tells
you it is ok to hang up.

The operator will ask you the following series of questions:

What is the address of the emergency or incident?

You should always have your street address posted on or near your telephone.
Familiarize yourself with your city boundaries and street names in the vicinity.

Is this a house or an apartment?

What is your telephone number?

What is your emergency?

As soon as this information has been obtained, the appropriate units will be dispatched.

Additional questions that the operator may ask:

Medical Emergency

Is the person awake?
Is the person breathing?
What are the symptoms? (vomiting, bleeding, convulsions)

Auto Accident

Is it a two car, pedestrian-car, or a rollover accident?  Be specific.

Fire Emergency

What is burning?  (structure, brush, trash, car, etc.)
What do you see? (smoke, flames)
What color is the smoke?

If your house is on fire, leave your house immediately.  Call 9-1-1 from a neighbor's phone.

Reporting An Emergency